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First-aid Training content – First-aid guru

First-aid Training content

Training content

First-aid training focuses on the following topics. We will try to be as detailed as possible on each of the topics to make sure you understand what you’ll be doing during such emergencies.

What is first-aid? see red-cross page
Another good source is NHCPS

First-aid training
Cardiac arrest
Diabetic Emergencies
Communicable diseases
Animal bites
Fire accidents
Chest pain
High / Low BP
Road traffic accidents

It’s not easy

Watching your loved one helpless waiting for someone to arrive is heart breaking. But do you really have to wait there? Can you do anything to help the victim?

Don’t panic

A stressed out mind cannot work at it’s full potential.

You need to calm-down. Stop thinking about what happened, start thinking about what to do.

In any emergency, staying calm and composed helps. That can only happen if you know how to deal with the emergency effectively. Proper training is necessary to achieve perfection.